Displays information about the selected object in a side bar.
In order to display the side bar, click on
in the tool bar. Enable .
Details. Displays general information about the object selected in the display area:
the name of the file or folder
file size or number of objects in the folder
date of the last change
the editor's name
the parent folder's name
Some of the following data are displayed for pictures with Exif data: make, model, shot, ISO, capture date
If you shared the object, the button next to
can be used to open the window for editing shares.When having selected an object in the
folder, the button is displayed. When clicking on it, the respective E-Mail with the attachment is displayed.Description. Shows file comments, if available.
To view the buttons for creating or editing a description, click the
icon .If there are several file versions, the
area is displayed. To view the list of versions, click the icon .For each version the following information is displayed:
The version's file name. If clicking on it, a menu with several functions opens:
the version's file size
name of the user who uploaded the version
date and time of the version's upload
button. Click on this button to select a file that is uploaded as new version.
Related topics:
Parent topic: The Drive Components